AAC Activity of the Week

Families communicating together!

Here are some new ideas to help parents implement AAC in the home.  All of the activities can be done with items you find around the house. We will be adding more activities each week. Keep on communicating together!!!


AAC Activity 1-Making Smoothies

AAC Activity  2-Colourful Washing Line

AAC Activity  3-Build a House

AAC Activity 4-Messages at home

AAC Activity 5-Dressing Up

AAC Activity 6- Follow the Footsteps

AAC Activity 7- What am I doing?

AAC Activity 8-I can say no!

AAC Activity 9- Come out, come out Wherever you are!

AAC Activity 10-Dump it in the bin!

AAC Activity 11-You Do It!

AAC Activity 12-Where is it ?

AAC Activity 13-Match the letter